
Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E16: Season One Finale

In this final episode of Season One we recap what we learned about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and talk about our favorite moments on the show. Thank you for joining us for season one! We look forward to being back in your podcast feeds later this year.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1B2: Bonus Body Scan Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness help many people find recovery from childhood adversity. In this bonus episode, Joseph guides us through a body scan meditation.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1B1: Bonus Loving Kindness Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness practices are a useful and accessible tool for healing from childhood adversity. In this bonus episode, Athalie guides us through a loving kindness meditation.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E15: Rowan on Healing Other’s ACEs

Rowan, our producer, joins us to talk about life shared with a partner and children who have high ACE scores. He shares about helping other heal, while maintaining your own mental health.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E14: Mindfulness & ACEs

Athalie and Joseph explore the practice of mindfulness and how it helps people heal from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). They talk about their own journeys with mindfulness and how to get started.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E13: ACEs Expert - Lesley Joy Ritchie, LMHC

Lesley is a mental health counselor who specializes in attachment focused trauma therapy. She works with children and their families, including children in foster care and adoptive parents. We explore how working with a therapist can bring healing to Adverse Childhood Experiences.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E12: Maria Montoya on ACEs

Maria Montoya joins us to talk about how Adverse Childhood Experiences impacted her life, the healing she has experienced, and the new legacy she is building for her own children.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E11: ACEs Expert - Dr. Torie

Dr. E'Toyare Williams, also know as Dr. Torie or Dr VicTORIEus, wrote her doctoral dissertation on how school's extracurricular programs could serve as a buffer to youth experiencing ACEs. Her research studied how these structured activities could reduce the negative impacts for youth experiencing Adverse Childhood Experiences.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E10: ACEs Expert - Mariam Yahya

Mariam Yahya is an elementary school teacher. She discusses how our education system can support children who face Adverse Childhood Experiences. She shares how individual teachers and the education system at large are becoming more aware of ACEs. We also explore the ways we still have to improve.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E9: ACEs Expert - Dr. Anna Kaminski

Dr. Anna Kaminski is a medical doctor who has experience working with her patients on the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences. She has some great insights on working with individual patients, as well as how our overall health care systems could be improved.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E8: ACEs Expert - Louise Pietrafesa, MSW

Louise Pietrafesa is a clinical social worker and licensed metal health counselor who's had lots of experience with ACEs throughout her career. She worked on an  interdisciplinary team at an obesity clinic in Seattle in the early 1980's that uncovered many of the same findings as the Kaiser study on ACEs that is most known in this area and was published in 1998.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E7: Joseph’s Story

Co-host Joseph shares his journey and how he became involved in The Social Cure podcast. Joseph talks about his own of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the various places he has found healing.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E6: Athalie’s Story

Athalie shares how she decided to start The Social Cure podcast and how the concept of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) has impacted both her work as a medical professional and her personal journey.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E5: Ken Massada on ACEs

Ken Massada, host of The Things We Don’t Say podcast, joins us to talk about his adverse childhood experiences. Ken shares his thoughts on the unique challenges faced by children who are immigrants and people of color.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E4: General Mutombo on ACEs

Seattle-based comedian General Mutombo joins us to talk about his adverse childhood experiences, how they've impacted his life, and where he has found hope and healing for himself and those around him.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E3: Toxic Stress and ACEs

We're continuing our exploration of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) by exploring different types of stress, including toxic stress. Toxic stress is one of the primary ways we experience long term damage to our bodies as a result of adverse childhood experiences.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E2: How ACEs Work

How do our childhood experiences turn into chronic disease as we progress through our lives? This episode dives into the layers that are behind many of our common chronic and debilitating illnesses. We're exploring a pyramid from the CDC that visualizes the progression of our experiences and how they can contribute to an early death.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

S1E1: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect nearly everyone. How do these experiences live on in our bodies and how do we recover from them? This first episode of Season One introduces the topic of ACEs. Throughout this season we'll dive deep into the science, experiences and recovery from childhood adversity.

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Athalie Miller Athalie Miller

Welcome to The Social Cure

The Social Cure explores the latest research in the medicine and public health. A lot of this information is only understood by small groups of specialists, but I believe we can all use these insights to improve our personal health and happiness and the well being of the larger communities around us.

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